ZenoRadio Nails It: Going Viral is the New American Dream

ZenoRadio Nails It: Going Viral is the New American Dream An actor was about to take the stage. Without missing a beat, Baruch Herzfeld briskly entered the office and shook my hand as he walked past me, asking me if I’d ever seen a crew as happy to be working as his. After walking me through ZenoRadio’s tiny headquarters – all while detailing, rapid fire, the responsibilities of his team. He stopped to fix himself a cup of coffee, asking me where I was from. This dovetailed into a conversation

Building Forward: Small Crafts are Beginning to Hit Big Markets

As many localized Internet-based businesses – those responsible for everything from your eco-friendly, hand-varnished bamboo iPhone case to your custom-ordered monthly shaving kit – continue to produce some of the most enviable commodities on the market, their throwback sensibilities are clashing with modern industrial growing pains. While these businesses tout their meticulous, artisanal production techniques as mission statements, their practices are strained by growing consumer bases and thei

The Stashbox – Survey Says: Fewer Middlemen Means More Impact

The Stashbox – Survey Says: Fewer Middlemen Means More Impact The Internet is rife with would-be solutions for our thoroughly modern, tech-centric lives. From proprietary web-surfing bookmark apps to yet another third-party Tweeting client, the promise of many of these products deliver more micro-management options than they do practical functionality or purpose. Sherif Shalaby and his team at hope they’re building a web service that clears some of the digital clutter in our lives, making less

For Programmers, South Street Seaport is Code for Summer Escape

For Programmers, South Street Seaport is Code for Summer Escape and inaugurated their collaborative “Tech Tuesdays” in style. As tourists filtered out of South Street Seaport Tuesday evening, the cabana chairs they abandoned were quickly occupied by a different type of visitor. Instead of cameras and cocktails, they wielded MacBooks, sitting in circles with their peers and co-workers as they typed. Avi Flombaum, the dean of the Flatiron School, took to the seaport’s stage to DJ for the night, e